Renovascular Conditions

Interventional Radiologists are Vascular Disease Experts. Interventional Radiology is a recognized medical specialty by the American Board of Medical Specialties. Interventional Radiologists are board-certified physicians with extensive training in vascular disease diagnosis, management and treatment. Their board certification includes both Vascular and Interventional Radiology and Diagnostic Radiology which are administered by the American Board of Radiology. This training marries state-of-the-art imaging and diagnostic expertise, coupled with clinical experience across all specialties and in-depth knowledge of the least invasive treatments.

Renovascular conditions affect the blood vessels of your kidneys, called the renal arteries and veins. When the blood flow is normal through your kidneys, your kidneys rid your body of wastes. The kidneys filter these wastes into your urine, which collects in your bladder, and from there the wastes exit your body when you urinate. Your kidneys also help control your blood pressure by sensing the blood pressure and secreting a hormone, called renin, into your bloodstream. The amount of renin secreted by your kidneys can help regulate your blood pressure if it is too high or too low. When your kidney blood vessels narrow or have a clot, your kidney is less able to do its work. Your physician may diagnose you with renal artery stenosis or renal vein thrombosis.


Medication-- If your physician diagnoses renal artery stenosis, he or she may prescribe blood pressure medications. Some medications may include:
  • Diuretics
  • Beta-blockers
  • Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
  • Calcium channel blockers
  • Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARB)

Thrombolysis-- If you experience sudden blockage in your renal artery, your physician may recommend a procedure called thrombolysis. In thrombolysis, a vascular physician injects a clot-dissolving medication directly to a clot through a long, thin tube called a catheter. This procedure, when needed, is often done at the time of angiography.

If your physician diagnoses renal vein thrombosis, he or she may give you anticoagulants. These medications decrease your blood's ability to clot. In critical cases of renal vein thrombosis, your physician may perform thrombolysis.

Angioplasty/Stenting-- Sometimes high blood pressure or poorly controlled high blood pressure (despite taking medications) is the result of a narrowed artery to the kidney. Your physician may refer you to one of our specialists for evaluation and treatment.